Monday, January 28, 2013

Documentary Interview Plan

Our documentary interview plan is to interview Dave Monahan as the expert of Flicker. We plan to shoot our main interview in one of the theaters on campus Lumina or King 101, while finding B-roll of Flicker items, Monahan and other students working on Flicker projects. We have also discussed (although no definitive answer) possibly interviewing other leaders in Flicker at the same time and  have a discussion type interview of 4 or 5 people, with Monahan being the main interviewee. We would like our tone to be informational to those who don't know about and are not aware of Flicker or those who would like to know more about it. Our aim is to inform about Flicker and "inspire our fellow filmmakers to get out and create by watching a group of mixed majors unite in their love of film." Although our group hasn't quite finalized the particulars of the vox pops, we could possibly question students (film) in and around campus with questions such as: 1-what do you know about Flicker, 2-what would you like to know about Flicker, and 3- why do you think students should learn more about Flicker.
10 possible questions for expert Dave Monahan:

1- How did Flicker get started?
2-Why don't many students know about Flicker?
3-Who can be involved?
4-How does one get involved?
5-What is something unique about Flicker that isn't offered by similar groups?
6-What is the purpose of Flicker?
7-How can being involved with Flicker help jump start a film career or path?
8-What types of activities does a student do with Flicker?
9-Where can one get more information about Flicker?
10-Where do you see Flicker in the future?
11- information interviewee would like to add not from interview

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Light Observations

My first light observation is a basketball jersey in the morning sunlight from the window. As I woke up, it was the first object I had seen. Entering from a high angle on the left side, it hits the object hard in the bottom right corner because it is laid out further than the rest of the jersey. At the top where the shoulders would be, it also strikes an intense light, but fairly dark shadows underneath highlight the dark yellow/gold of the object. In the center, there is a small part that sticks out that captures the harsh light on both colors of the object. The way the shadows are cast and the angle of the intense light appear upon the jersey, makes it look like a shrine.

My second light observations is a holly bush. Again, the sunlight is coming from a high angle on it's left side. On some parts of the bush, the green leaves seem brighter from the rays. On either side of the bush, the leaves are darker and shadows of leaves that are outside of the bush cover them. A softer lighting in the back of the bush adds to the many shades of greens that as a whole, give the bush a natural, characteristic look. Lastly, it casts darker shadows closer to the ground, and lighter ones higher up behind the bush against the wall.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Filmmakers Statement

Hi all, I am Jason. I am a recent graduate of ECU with my BS in Journalism and a concentration in broadcast. I wanted became interested in film after having a required production course and a screen writing course at my previous university. In another class, I was given the option to use those skills and made a short film For Melvin and Basketball(my only previous film experience). After combining those efforts and my passion/enjoyment and over 20 ideas I've had for movies, I decided to find a prestigious film program. My grandmother informed me about UNCW and the program here, and I applied.

As I learned upon graduation, as far as "10 year plans" go, a lot can change in a little amount of time. However, I believe and would like to be thriving in the film industry in any way possible between now and then. I am not very particular about where or what direction I want to travel, but I do know that I want to get there and will do whatever it takes. Someday, I would like to be directing, producing and writing my own movies or take another form of a leadership role in films.

A few things not known about me are:
  •  I enjoy playing/watching/talking anything about basketball or sports in general (especially ECU).
  • I have performed comedy on stages in North Carolina and Florida.
  • My 5 favorite films, in no particular order include: Mystery Men, SW Episode 3, Doom, The Number 23, Bicycle Thieves.
  • When I'm not watching movies or working, I like to hang out with family and/or play video games.